Designing your own wrestling mask can be a fun and entertaining experience, whether you need the mask for your first show or just to play around with friends, it is always good to know the basics of a good mask design. Before you begin picking out your materials, you need to have your character defined, and by defined i mean, is your character a good guy or a bad guy? this will make the designing process much easier. After that is done, you need to draw out your mask design. Keep in mind that if your character will be doing a lot of talking it is recommended that the mask is open-mouth (see photo on right) If you want to be more mysterious go for the full face cover mask. Here is the process of designing a mask:
- Draw 3 head shapes on a piece of paper (or use a computer program), one will represent the front other the left and the right.
- First design the eyes, be creative and keep in mind that this is one of the most important elements of your mask because the eyes not only builds character but its where you will have your visibility.
- Add elements to your mask, crosses, shapes, words initials anything that will shape up your character.
After you have drawned out your new mask, it is time to turned it over to your mask maker so he/she can bring your character to life. If you don't have a mask maker there are many online that will take on your project for a fee. I personally have tried various sites and my personal favorite is it seems that they are the only ones online that really have their stuff together, prices are reasonable between $45-$65 that is including shipping, their turnaround is the best. You are always welcome to try other vendors and see which one works best for you.